DawgieBowl Blog

Because we write about the things we love
13 Movies Every Dog Lover Must Watch

13 Movies Every Dog Lover Must Watch

The chill season is here! It’s the perfect time to dim down the lights and snuggle into a corner with your pooch. Here’s a list of 13 movies which we believe are a must watch for the dog lover in you.

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An Open Letter to RJ Naved @ Radio Mirchi

An Open Letter to RJ Naved @ Radio Mirchi

I’m not writing this letter to tell you that your last prank call was severely unempathetic and insensitive. I’m sure you already know that by now. I doubt if you understand where you went wrong, though. Let me help.

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A tired dog is a happy one! Simple exercises to keep your dog happy

A tired dog is a happy one! Simple exercises to keep your dog happy

Good food is indeed at the heart of good health, but making sure those calories find an adequate way to be spent is just as important for the health and happiness of your pooch. Priyamvada Shukla, a certified dog trainer & canine behaviourist at FineK9 talks about why it’s important for you to make that doggo run!

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Rawhide Treats May Be Poisoning Your Dog. Here’s How!

Rawhide Treats May Be Poisoning Your Dog. Here’s How!

Rawhide treats start out hard, but as your dawgie chews on them, they become soft and eventually into turn into a lump of chewy, slimy piece of leathery bubble gum. At this point, they stop offering any dental benefit, and in fact, become a choking hazard. If your dog swallows a large piece of rawhide, it can get stuck in the esophagus or other parts of the digestive tract.

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4 Ways to Dispose Your Black Money

4 Ways to Dispose Your Black Money

If you’re one of those several hundred Indians who are hoarding black money, here are some innovative ways of disposing off your stash, albeit earn some blessings and respect.

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DIY Treats that You can Enjoy with Your Dawgie this Diwali

DIY Treats that You can Enjoy with Your Dawgie this Diwali

What’s Diwali if you couldn’t share a treat or two with your best buddy? So here are some simple DIY Diwali treat recipes for your pooch. They take under 15 minutes to make, from start to finish, and can be prepared in your kitchen microwave. They’re natural and nutritious, for the diet-conscious dawgies. What’s more? They’re hooman-friendly, so you can share them safely with your furry baby!

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Scratching is Serious! Your complete guide to skin problems in dogs

Scratching is Serious! Your complete guide to skin problems in dogs

Is your dawgie shedding excessively? Do you often see your dawgie scratching or licking his coat? Does your dawgie get dandruff, rashes, cuts, and abrasions on his skin? Has your dawgie been infested with ticks, fleas or other parasites? If you’re a pet parent, you have experienced at least one of these at some point. Itching, scratching, or licking are the most common indications of a skin disorder and has possibly troubled every dawgie once or more times in his or her lifetime.

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Everything you need to know about Gluten and why your dog must stay clear of it

Everything you need to know about Gluten and why your dog must stay clear of it

Gluten is a protein that is found mostly in wheat but is also present in other cereal grains, including rye, barley, oats and buckwheat. It actually is a crude mixture of two other proteins, gliadin and glutenin. It is the gliadin part that people react negatively to. When flour is mixed with water, gluten forms a sticky cross-linked network of proteins, giving elastic properties to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture. The name gluten is derived from these glue-like properties. (Gluten means “Glue” in Latin).

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Real food made from real ingredients and with real love

Commit to your baby's happiness
Get Started
I was looking for dog food online because I wanted something quick and easy. Being a single working mother, I did not have the time to serve home-cooked food to my baby Casper (Beagle). DawgieBowl is so simple, hassle-free and convenient. It is like a box of happiness and health, home-delivered. We love it!

Gunjan Gupta


DawgieBowl, Fresh, healthy food for dogs

Gunjan Gupta


I was looking for dog food online because I wanted something quick and easy. Being a single working mother, I did not have the time to serve home-cooked food to my baby Casper (Beagle). DawgieBowl is so simple, hassle-free and convenient. It is like a box of happiness and health, home-delivered. We love it!
We adopted Tipsy from the streets. When she came to us, she was thin and had a number of skin problems- dryness, itching and shedding hair. DawgieBowl helped her gain some weight, her coat is shiny and smooth and she sheds very little now. She finishes up every bowl in a blink. Tipsy says thank you DawgieBowl.

Chinmay Sehgal


DawgieBowl, Fresh, healthy food for dogs

Chinmay Sehgal


We adopted Tipsy from the streets. When she came to us, she was thin and had a number of skin problems- dryness, itching and shedding hair. DawgieBowl helped her gain some weight, her coat is shiny and smooth and she sheds very little now. She finishes up every bowl in a blink. Tipsy says thank you DawgieBowl.
It broke our heart when our 2-year-old Labrador was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The vet suggested that he was overweight. We tried a number of weight-management dog food but they did not help much. We came across DawgieBowl during our search for healthy and balanced dog food. It has been 6 months and we have already seen tremendous progress. He has lost 5 kgs.

Kavita Srikumar

New Delhi

DawgieBowl, Fresh, healthy food for dogs

Kavita Srikumar

New Delhi

It broke our heart when our 2-year-old Labrador was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The vet suggested that he was overweight. We tried a number of weight-management dog food but they did not help much. We came across DawgieBowl during our search for healthy and balanced dog food. It has been 6 months and we have already seen tremendous progress. He has lost 5 kgs.
My Mia is a spoilt brat. She is extremely choosy about her food. We tried everything from “premium” to “gourmet” to “home-style” dog food. But she would get bored of them soon enough. Ever since we’ve put her on DawgieBowl healthy dog food (2 years and counting), she looks forward to her mealtime and relishes every morsel of food.

Tamanna Maggo

New Delhi

DawgieBowl, Fresh, healthy food for dogs

Tamanna Maggo

New Delhi

My Mia is a spoilt brat. She is extremely choosy about her food. We tried everything from “premium” to “gourmet” to “home-style” dog food. But she would get bored of them soon enough. Ever since we’ve put her on DawgieBowl healthy dog food (2 years and counting), she looks forward to her mealtime and relishes every morsel of food.
DawgieBowl, Fresh, healthy food for dogs
Wagging tales and snout licks are guaranteed. If your dog doesn’t lick the bowl clean, we’ll refund your money. Pawmise!