DawgieBowl Blog
Because we write about the things we love
9-Step Easy At-Home Dog Health Check Guide
Follow these 9 easy steps to regularly conduct an at-home health check for your dog. Assess their overall health-condition and know if you need to see a vet.
Pet Food Recipes for Lockdown: Simple Dishes to Feed your Dog or Cat during the COVID-19 Curfew
These simple recipes will allow you to feed your pet dog or cat even when packaged pet food is not available during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Caring for Strays during Lockdown: How and What to Feed the Stray Animals around you during the COVID-19 Curfew
With fewer restaurants open and less food waste being generated, the stray animals need our help to survive this difficult period.
Update on DawgieBowl Services during the COVID-19 Lockdown: A note from our Founder
Due to the widespread COVID-19 pandemic, a nationwide lockdown has been enforced in India. Here’s an update on DawgieBowl services during this curfew.
COVID-19 Crisis Action Plan for Pet Parents: Preparing Your Pet and Yourself for the Coronavirus Pandemic
The COVID-19 Crisis Action Plan is a contingency plan to prevent your pet dog or cat from starving or abandonment while you are quarantined or hospitalized.
Pet Care during Lockdown: Parenting your Pet Dog or Cat during the COVID-19 Curfew
Managing your pet’s basic and special needs during COVID-19 lockdown is important to ensure that they’re healthy and safe during the global health crisis.
COVID-19 and Pets: Is Your Dog or Cat at Risk of The Wuhan Coronavirus?
COVID-19, first detected in 2019 in Wuhan, has now infected over 2.7M people and 5 pets worldwide. Is your pet dog or cat at risk too? Read on to find out.
Diabetes in Dogs & Cats: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment of Canine & Feline Diabetes
Diabetes is an endocrine disease caused by a defect or malfunction in the body’s sugar metabolism that leads to high blood sugar in pets. Here’s more.
Pet Cancer is Real! Here’s Everything You Should Know About Cancer in Dogs & Cats
Cancer in Pet Dogs & Cats is a harsh reality. 2 out of 3 dogs around us suffer from Cancer. Learn more about types, causes, symptoms & treatment of pet cancer.
Diwali Gifts for Dogs: Festive Gifting Ideas for Your Pooch
Here are our top Diwali gifting ideas for dogs. From healthy food, earmuffs to essential oils – everything you can get your pet to make it a happy festive season for everyone.
7 Common Indian Dog Breeds Most Likely to Be Overweight or Obese
Obesity is a nutritional disease that affects most pet dogs and cats. Here are 7 most common Indian dog breeds that are susceptible to being overweight.
Obesity is Killing The Dogs & Cats in India: How to Help your Fat Pet Lose Weight
Obesity is a nutritional disease characterized by excessive body weight. Pets that overeat & don’t exercise often gain weight. This leads to many diseases and affects the quality of your pet’s life. Here’s more on obesity & weight management diets for pets.
Puppy Mills: The Sickening Truth Behind Illegal Breeders in India and How You Can Stop Them
Puppy mills breed pedigree puppies for sale using inhumane methods. The pets are subjected to cruelty, poor hygiene & medical care. Here’s everything wrong with backyard breeding.
Heat Cycle: Understanding Estrus Cycle in Pets, Caring for a Dog or Cat in Heat and Identifying Signs of False Pregnancy
Heat is a series of hormonal changes in the body of a female dog or cat that prepares them for reproduction. Here’s everything about pets in heat.
8 Reasons Why Your Pet Is Your Best Friend
A dog’s love is unconditional and pure. You and your dog may not speak the same language, but you’re no less than buddies. Here’re 8 reasons why dogs are man’s best friend.
Tip Tip Barsa Pawni: 8 Survival Hacks for Every Pet this Monsoon
Monsoons bring itchy skin, infections, pests and water-borne diseases for people and their pets. Here are 8 simple tips to have a pet-friendly monsoon.
The Many Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Pet Dogs & Cats
Apple Cider Vinegar has many health benefits for your pet dog or cat. Skin, Digestion, Bones, Muscles & Hygiene, here’s the complete list.
The Ultimate Guide to Ticks: Tick-Fever and other Tick-Borne Diseases, Removal & Tick Prevention in Dogs and Cats
Dogs and cats pick up ticks often. We explain how to get rid of ticks effectively, tick fever and other tick-borne diseases & natural ways to prevent ticks.
FoodFact: Are Mangoes Safe for Pet Dogs or Cats?
Yes, dogs and cats can eat mangoes. But with some precautions. Feeding your pet too much mango at once can lead to health problems. Read on to know more.
The Ultimate Kitten Care Guide for New Cat Parents to raise a Healthy & Friendly Feline Companion
Kitten care made easy. From kitten-proofing your home to cat food, litter training, kitten vaccination, grooming and more, everything you must know.
The Ultimate Disaster-Preparedness Guide for Pet Safety, Emergency First-Aid & Evacuation Tips for When Disaster Strikes
Disasters hit without warnings. Our pets and other animals are affected the most by these. This guide can save your pet’s life when calamities strike.
FoodFact: Can Pet Dogs or Cats Eat Watermelon?
Watermelon can be a refreshing summer treat for your dog or cat. They hydrate your pet and charge them with vitamins. Here’s why to feed watermelon to pets.
Grieving the Loss of a Pet: How to Cope with the Death of Your Dog or Cat
Losing a pet dog or cat is a devastating feeling. For pet parents, there’s no bigger loss. Here’s why it hurts so much, and what you can do to feel better.
Parenting a Disabled (Specially-Abled) Pet: Caring for a Dog or Cat with Disability
Specially-abled pets, or pets with disability are just as adorable as any other pet. We bring you stories from families who parent disabled pets.
Signs of a Dying Dog, Pet Hospice Care & Euthanasia, Crematoriums & Burial Services in India
Preparing for your dog’s death, pet hospice care, and euthanasia. End of life care for pets, burial or cremation services and grieving the loss of a pet.
Dog Cooling Guide: Beat the Heat with These Simple Tips to Keep Your Pet Dog Cool & Safe in Summer
Summers are difficult for dogs. Here are 6 handy tips to keep your pet dog cool in the heat of summer. Summer care for dogs, simplified.
Helping Stray Animals Survive The Scorching Summer Heat
Summer sun scorches everyone. Stray dogs, cats, and other animals – most of all. Here are some simple tips to help stray animals this summer season.
Dog Aging Chart: Calculating your Pet’s Age in Dog Years, Life Expectancy & Age-Related Problems in Dogs
Estimating your dog’s age helps you understand his needs, prepare for old-age diseases and provide age-appropriate care to your pet. Here’s how you calculate.
The Ultimate Puppy Care Guide for New Pet Parents to Raise a Healthy, Friendly and Confident Dog
Puppy care made easy. From puppy-proofing your home, to puppy food, potty training, puppy vaccination, grooming and more, everything you must know.
Balam Poochkari: Tips to Enjoy a Pet-Friendly Holi with your Dog or Cat
Holi is a difficult festival for pets. The colors & some of the sweets served may be toxic for dogs & cats. Here’s how to enjoy a pet-friendly Holi.
Feeding A Fussy Dog: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing your Pet’s Selective or Picky Eating Habits
Feeding a picky or selective dog could be really challenging. Here’s why your pet is choosy about their food, and how you can feed a fussy dog.
How Commercial Pet Foods are Made: The Risks & Impact of Packaged Pet Foods
When buying pet food, don’t compromise by blindly selecting the popular brand. Here’s a guide that will help you make a calculated decision.
Pet Food 101: How to Pick the Best Pet Food for Your Dog or Cat
Your pet’s food must be nutritionally balanced & biologically-appropriate. Here’s how a healthy & complete diet for your dog or cat must look like.
Pet Sterilization: The Benefits & Risks of Spaying or Neutering Your Dog or Cat
Spaying or Neutering your pet may have a series of health benefits and risks involved. Here’s everything you must know about sterilizing your dog or cat.
Pet Dental Health Guide: How to Take Care of Your Dog or Cat’s Oral Hygiene
Dental health is an important aspect of your pet’s well-being. Here’s how you can ensure perfect oral hygiene for your dog or cat.
FoodFact: Can Pet Dogs or Cats Eat Oats?
We all know how healthy oats are! But, are they equally good for our dogs and cats? Here’s everything about oats, their origin and nutritional benefits to pets.
Your Toothpaste Can Kill Your Dog! Here’s Why Human Toothpaste is Toxic for Pets
Human toothpastes contain a substance called Xylitol that’s toxic for dogs. Here’s more on xylitol toxicity in dogs and how to save your pet from poisoning.
Food Fact – Is It Safe to Feed Bread to Dogs and Cats?
Confused whether bread for dogs or cats a good choice? From gluten intolerance to gastrointestinal problems, here’s why you should never feed your dog bread!
The Ultimate Guide to Animal Rights, Welfare & Safety Laws in India
The animal welfare laws in India protect pets, strays & their caretakers from exploitation. Here’s a list of all legal remedies to prevent cruelty to animals.
FoodFact: Can Pet Dogs or Cats Eat Carrots?
Wondering whether carrots for dogs or cats are a good choice? From its origin to nutritional benefits, here’s everything you needed to know about this vegetable before feeding it to your pet!
Walk Your Dog: The How-to’s, Why’s and When’s of Walking Your Pet
Dogs love to walk! From sensory stimulation to socialization to exercise, walking your pet has several benefits. Here’s everything you must know about walking your dog.
FoodFact: Can Pet Dogs or Cats Eat Green Beans?
Are beans safe for dogs and cats to eat? Read everything related to feeding your pet green beans as their new and crunchy treats and how amazing they are for your furball’s health.
FoodFact: Can Pet Dogs or Cats Eat Cauliflower and Broccoli?
Wondering if your pet dog or cat can enjoy cauliflower and broccoli? Here’s everything you must know about these vegetables and the impact they make on your pet.
Don’t Hire a Dog Trainer Without Reading This: How to Choose the Best Trainer for your Pet
Finding a dog trainer for your pet may be nerve-wracking. With so many options available, the choice is never easy. Not to mention, the risks of ending up with the wrong trainer.
Desi Dogs: Everything about INDogs or the Indian Pariah Dog Breed
Indian Pariah Dogs or the Desi Dogs are the oldest known primitive & aboriginal dog breeds in the world. Let’s look at what makes the INDogs the perfect pet for every household.
Barking Decoded: What Is Your Dog Trying To Say When He Barks?
Have you noticed how your dog barks in different situations? Barking is one of the ways dogs communicate. Here is how you can translate different types of barking.
9 Absolutely Adorable Christmas Dawgies from the Instagram World!
Winter is here, and so are the holidays. While humans leave no stone unturned in being completely festive ready, here are some Christmas-ready doggos to get you in the mood.
FoodFact: Can Pet Dogs or Cats Eat Rice?
Have you been feeding your pet dog or cat Chicken and Rice for the longest time? Read more on rice, its nutritional build-up and how it affects your pet.
7 Reasons Why You Should Adopt Your Next Dog or Cat, Not Buy One
If you’ve considered adopting a pet instead of buying one, we’re already so proud of you. But if you’ve had second thoughts, here’s why we think #AdoptDontShop is the best!
6 Reasons Why We Love Our Desi Dogs (Indie or INDogs)
INDogs, better known as the Desi Dogs, are complete rockstars & we just can’t get over them. Even though we hate to discriminate our dogs, pedigree or mutt, Indies have a special place in our hearts.
Everything You Need to Know About the German Shepherd Dog Breed
German Shephards are among the most popular, yet one of the most feared dog breed in India. Thanks to their smartness, agility & drive. Here’s everything about this herding dog.
9 Signs That You’re a Crazy Cat Person
Think you’re suffering from the crazy cat lady syndrome? Here are 9 signs that prove you are. From too many cat photos to no black outfits, how many do you display?
FoodFact: Can Pet Dogs or Cats Eat Almonds?
Are almonds good for dogs? Can my cats eat almonds too? Find out more about the nutritional content, benefits, and threats this super nut poses on your pet here!
How to Celebrate a Pet-Friendly Diwali with Your Dog or Cat
The festive season fills everyone with joy and happiness, except our dogs and cats. Diwali is a stressful time for our pets. Here are 7 ways, you can celebrate a pet-friendly Diwali this year.
7 Instagram Dogs and their Favorite Toys
Our dogs are our precious little possession. Their toys are theirs. It’s adorable to see our pets loving their favorite toys. Here are 7 cutest dog-toy pairs from Instagram.
Here’s Why Your Pet Must Never Eat From Your Plate: 10 Human Foods that are Toxic for Your Dog or Cat
You and your pet may share the love for food, but you must not share your food with them. Here are 10 common human foods that are toxic to dogs & cats.
The Ultimate Guide on How to Choose a Pet Boarding for Your Dog or Cat
Pet boardings are a stressful experience for your dog or cat. To relieve their anxiety, and yours, here’s a guide on how to pick the best boarding for your pet.
8 Ways Healthy Pet Food Can Change Your Dog or Cat
Healthy pet food for your puppy or kitten can bring outstanding changes to your pet’s health. Read on to know how you can change your dog or cat’s life by opting for a healthy diet for your pet.
This is What Your Dog or Cat’s Poop Can Tell You About Them
Your dog or cat’s poop can tell you volumes about their digestive health and the quality of food they’re eating. If you think your pet has a poop problem, this article is for you.
8 Adorable Instagram Goodboys Whose Smiles Will Win Your Heart
Smiles are proven remedies to make your day better and Dawgie smiles are the most potent form of them! Here are our favorite smiling dogs from Instagram.
Vaccinosis: The Unspoken Risks of Vaccination for Pet Dogs & Cats
Repeated vaccination & over-vaccination has serious health risks for your pet dog or cat. It doesn’t make vaccines any less important for your pet, only makes it more important to pay attention to detail.
Pet Vaccination Schedule: The Ultimate Guide on Vaccines for Your Puppy & Kitten
The vaccination schedule for your puppy or kitten has probably been the most confusing and stressful aspect of pet parenting. No more! All questions about your dog or cat’s vaccines answered.
Rabies: The Ultimate Guide on The Mad Dog Disease
Rabies or the Mad Dog Disease is a lethal viral infection that’s caused by dog or other animal bites. Rabies has no cure; but this article can save your life.
FoodFact: Can Pet Dogs or Cats Eat Cashew Nuts?
Are cashews for dogs and cats a good choice? Know more about the nutritional build-up and health benefits of cashews and the precautions needed to be exercised before feeding them to your pet.
Your Morning Coffee Could Become Your Pet’s Worst Nightmare
Caffeine toxicity in pets; what to do if your pet accidentally consumes Coffee and more on why Coffee is toxic for dogs and cats.
Considering a Vegetarian Diet for your Dog? Here’s Everything You Should Know About Veg Dog Foods!
Vegetarian families often prefer to choose veg dog food options for their pets. But is a vegetarian diet safe for your dog? Read on to find out.
The Ultimate Guide on How to Travel with Your Pet
Planning a trip with your pet? Here’s a guide to traveling with your pet dog or cat by air, rail, and roads in India and tips for a smooth and safe journey.
How to Choose Your Next Dog Breed: The Evolution and Types of Dawgies
Everything you need to know about dogs in one place. Find out how dogs became what they are today and learn how to decide the right pet for you! Read on.
Food Fact: Is Cheese Safe for Dogs and Cats to Eat?
Wondering if your dog or cat could indulge in your cheese adventures? Lactose intolerance, obesity, high-fat content, salt in Cheese, and all other questions answered!
How Roti is Slowly Killing Your Pet Dog or Cat
Wondering if Roti is bad for dogs or cats? You should definitely read how it is gradually leading to cancer in your pet & why you should never feed him Roti.
10 Indian Movies Every Dog Lover Must Watch
Dogs have done a lot more on the big-screen than just being side-kicks to superstars. Here’s our list of Top 10 Indian Movies where dogs stole the show.
10 Things Our Dogs Teach Us Better Than Most Teachers Could
10 life lessons we can learn from dogs. From giving priority to food to always greeting friends with love, everything we’ve learned from pets over the years!
FoodFact: Are Potatoes Safe to Eat for Dogs and Cats?
Potatoes are rich sources of Vitamin K and carbohydrates, here’s why and how you could feed your pet Potatoes, the right way.
10 Reasons Why Your Pet Is Your Best Sibling!
From being the best secret keepers to constant suppliers of love and positivity, here are 10 reasons why you couldn’t have asked for a better sibling than your pet!
FoodFact: Why is Corn Toxic for Your Pet Dog or Cat?
Not sure if Corn is safe for your pet dog or cat? From corn allergies in pets to what causes them, here’s why you need to keep that corn out of your pet’s sight!
Introducing Your Pet Dog to Your Newborn Baby!
Babies with dogs are adorable! But it’s important that you introduce your dog to your newborn baby with caution. Here’s how to make sure they become best friends.
We Bet You Didn’t Know All This About Your Labrador Retriever Dog
Learn about your Labrador Retriever’s origin, personality, medical issues, nutrition, exercise, grooming and a lot more about their breed. All about Labs!
A Salute to the Bravest Goodboys of India
These dogs beat the odds to change the history of our country. Read about the brave dogs who risked their lives to protect our freedom.
FoodFact: Are Strawberries Safe for Dogs & Cats?
Low on sugars & fats, loaded with essential vitamins and hydration, Strawberries are great for dogs and cats. Here’s more about the fruit and its effect on pets.
Are Dogs Really Colorblind? Here’s How Your Dog Sees the World!
Your dog isn’t completely colorblind. He can distinguish between blue and yellow; not green and red. Here’s why, and everything else about your dog’s vision.
Food Fact: Can Dogs and Cats Eat Apple?
Wondering if you can give your pet dog or cat apples? Apples are pet safe & benefit your pet’s bones, teeth, and coat. They’re great for diabetic pets too.
9 World Leaders & their Adorable Dawgies
We have compiled a list of World leaders and their pets, and we pawmise you, it’s absolutely adorable!
The Ultimate Guide to Pugs Dog Breed
Every question about the pug dog breed answered on one page. Learn about your pug’s origin, history, personality, temperament, diseases, nutrition, exercise, and grooming.
Food Fact: Is Muskmelon Safe for Dogs and Cats?
Muskmelon’s benefits for your dog or cat are boundless. From keeping them hydrated to supplying them with loads of vitamins – muskmelons are great for pets.
10 Signs You’re A Crazy Dog Person
It’s impossible to imagine a life without dogs. Dogs have played every part in our lives, friends, siblings, therapists, and soulmates.
Food Fact: Are Bananas Safe for Dogs or Cats?
Bananas are great for your dog or cat. They relieve constipation; the vitamins & minerals in them help with skin, bones and boost your pet’s immune system.
Food Fact: Is Coconut Safe for Dogs & Cats?
Coconuts are safe for your dogs & cats. Coconuts contain fats, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that make it a super-food for your pet.
Everything you need to know about your Beagle
Parenting a Beagle boy or girl? Here’s everything you need to know about this quirky dog breed that’s always bubbling with energy.
Food Fact: Are Papayas Safe or Not for Pet Dogs and Cats?
If your dog or cat needs a natural boost to his digestive health, papaya is the way to go. Natural papaya is a great belly savior for your pet.
Chocolate Can Kill Your Dog or Cat – Here’s Everything You Must Know About Theobromine Poisoning in Pets
Theobromine in chocolate is fatal for your dog or cat. Chocolate poisoning is one of the most common toxicities in pets. Here’s everything you must know.
9 Adorable Dogs Celebrating their Barkday
Who doesn’t like birthdays? It’s double the fun if the birthday boy is also the quintessential good boy! Here are 9 dogs having the most fun birthdays ever!
6 Most Shedding Dog Breeds Found in India
The quantity of hair that your dog sheds can say a lot about their health. It is a well-known concept that normally, healthier dogs shed less.
6 Summer Fruits Your Dog Will Absolutely Love This Season
Fruits are great at keeping your dog hydrated. Here are 6 summer fruits for your doggo darling to beat the heat this season, stay hydrated and shine!
7 Least Shedding Dog Breeds for Indian Homes
Shedding is a natural process for dogs to get rid of old and damaged hair. Even though all dogs shed more or less, here are 7 least shedding dog breeds.
5 FIFA World Cup 2018 Underdogs you need to watch out for!
DawgieBowl lists down its top Underdog Teams to watch out for during the FIFA World Cup 2018. #worldcup2018
13 Movies Every Dog Lover Must Watch
The chill season is here! It’s the perfect time to dim down the lights and snuggle into a corner with your pooch. Here’s a list of 13 movies which we believe are a must watch for the dog lover in you.
An Open Letter to RJ Naved @ Radio Mirchi
I’m not writing this letter to tell you that your last prank call was severely unempathetic and insensitive. I’m sure you already know that by now. I doubt if you understand where you went wrong, though. Let me help.
Golden Retrievers: Everything you should know about your Golden Goodboy (or Goodgirl)
They are easily domesticated, friendly with kids and the elderly in the house. The retrievers, as their names suggest ‘retrieve’, in the by gone era, game and now the toys! They were bred to herd cattle to the fields and back; and were also trained to ward off the wolves.
Gordon’s Gotta Glow! Grooming tips to keep your dog healthy & happy
We need to groom our pets for the same reasons we groom ourselves – why we trim our hair, clip our nails, shave, bathe and change our clothes regularly. Of course we do it to look presentable, but there are greater benefits to grooming than we give it credit for.
A tired dog is a happy one! Simple exercises to keep your dog happy
Good food is indeed at the heart of good health, but making sure those calories find an adequate way to be spent is just as important for the health and happiness of your pooch. Priyamvada Shukla, a certified dog trainer & canine behaviourist at FineK9 talks about why it’s important for you to make that doggo run!
Rawhide Treats May Be Poisoning Your Dog. Here’s How!
Rawhide treats start out hard, but as your dawgie chews on them, they become soft and eventually into turn into a lump of chewy, slimy piece of leathery bubble gum. At this point, they stop offering any dental benefit, and in fact, become a choking hazard. If your dog swallows a large piece of rawhide, it can get stuck in the esophagus or other parts of the digestive tract.
4 Ways to Dispose Your Black Money
If you’re one of those several hundred Indians who are hoarding black money, here are some innovative ways of disposing off your stash, albeit earn some blessings and respect.
DIY Treats that You can Enjoy with Your Dawgie this Diwali
What’s Diwali if you couldn’t share a treat or two with your best buddy? So here are some simple DIY Diwali treat recipes for your pooch. They take under 15 minutes to make, from start to finish, and can be prepared in your kitchen microwave. They’re natural and nutritious, for the diet-conscious dawgies. What’s more? They’re hooman-friendly, so you can share them safely with your furry baby!
Winter is Coming! – 3 Simple Hacks to Prepare Your Pooch for a Happy Winter
Winter is coming, and Westeros isn’t the only place where there’s much to prepare for. While winters are considered a healthy season overall, there are some key things to ensure our dawgies are energetic and agile even during the freezing cold temperatures.
Scratching is Serious! Your complete guide to skin problems in dogs
Is your dawgie shedding excessively? Do you often see your dawgie scratching or licking his coat? Does your dawgie get dandruff, rashes, cuts, and abrasions on his skin? Has your dawgie been infested with ticks, fleas or other parasites? If you’re a pet parent, you have experienced at least one of these at some point. Itching, scratching, or licking are the most common indications of a skin disorder and has possibly troubled every dawgie once or more times in his or her lifetime.
Everything you need to know about Gluten and why your dog must stay clear of it
Gluten is a protein that is found mostly in wheat but is also present in other cereal grains, including rye, barley, oats and buckwheat. It actually is a crude mixture of two other proteins, gliadin and glutenin. It is the gliadin part that people react negatively to. When flour is mixed with water, gluten forms a sticky cross-linked network of proteins, giving elastic properties to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture. The name gluten is derived from these glue-like properties. (Gluten means “Glue” in Latin).